Mr Blings

CRank: 5Score: 125160

Do you know where to find the 1.5 system recovery file? Only The 1.5 update file is on the official U.S. Playstation site.

I downloaded the supposed 1.5 update and system recovery a few days ago from another site, but would much rather download the file from Sony's official site.

3857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is why you want DLNA. You can stream your music/videos from your PC and not use any HDD space on the ps4.
Have been using this feature a ton since 2006. mainly for music but some home video use. For music it works flawless. Home video tends to be rather choppy for some reason.

3871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

aka 3rd party studios will make their games on par regardless if one system is ultimately more powerful. It is good business sense. All comes down to first party studios. Unless...COD is truly running 1080p ps4 vs 720p Xbox One...LOL I kid I kid.

3878d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great during the lifespan of the 360 Live has grown to 46 million paid subscriptions. They have already lost one paying member right here. Just because this is where they are currently does not mean they are destined to remain at or grow.
At its peak AOL had over 30 million paid subscribers. As of October 2012 that number has fallen to 2.9 million paid and free accounts.
Tout 46 million as much as you like. If the box does not sell at the pace of the 360 which does not loo...

3919d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@AlexKoepp: PS4 is a stronger overall piece of kit yet it is PS3.5??? keep the troll on...

3927d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment

@ Mfletch512...Is is confirmed that Madden is included as a $10 upgrade from ps3 to ps4 or 360 to 1? I had not seen anything that confirmed this. I have not yet picked up Madden 25 for ps3 as of yet because of this. If true I will pick it up and gladly pay the $10 entry fee for the next gen version if it is a worthy first next gen product and not a lame duck...

3934d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wish Madden would be on this list, really don't want to wait until mid November to pick it up. Everything else I will just wait for ps4 to ship as I will be playing GTA V

3942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No drm, 399 price point . I literally stood up and clapped

4013d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes. It's Game Over for me with Xbox. Any person defending/planning on purchasing an Xbox ONE should be required to ride the small bus and where a helmet for the rest of their living days.

It's crazy how the true Xbox ONE released 12 years ago was sooo much cooler than this. I don't even know what to call it, I guess just Sh*t box.

4016d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its game over. I soo hope SONY draws a line in the sand and refuses to go along with this. I will support them 100%. I am more than fine having less titles for the short term while publishers try to be exclusive to Micro$oft. In the end, the pubs need to be where the gamers (those who actual spend $ on games) are.

I am partially happy that Micro$oft came forward and shed light on their plans in the best way they could PR spin it. I have literally been sick to my stomach ...

4016d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ creatchee...good comment and I understand your logic in many ways. However, if one company supports drm, fee for used games and one does not there is another possible outcome that can take place. Your scenario has the publishers in total control. The publishers can only be in control if we customers allow it. If the vast majority of customers pick the product that does not follow the drm policies, the publishers will be backed in a corner. They ultimately want to make money. We custom...

4027d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Parapraxis. My set does work with all three current gen systems and PC. I agree a work around most likely will be an additional cost of Microsoft's choosing. That cost may be $5, $10, $25 who knows. All I know is it won't just work. My specific pair will be fine in terms of single player experience, but multi-player will tell a different tale.

Not trying to be a downer but as a loyalist to all systems and a day one subscriber to Xbox live then gold ...

4032d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

keep eatin that pork that Microsoft is feeding you Jek

4032d ago 23 agree2 disagreeView comment

I already own a $200 headset NYC_Gamer....I do have reason to freak out. OMG you people who are defending every single f*cking p*ece of s*it anti-consumer decision that this company is making is the only thing worse than Microsoft's actual actions.

4032d ago 35 agree1 disagreeView comment

There is nothing to prove wrong. Your statement "I think microsoft is leading the way with xbl & proving to all other companies that they can also charge for online & gamers will love it." is an opinion nothing more nothing less.

I happen to have a different opinion. I subscribed to xbox live gold starting the day it went live and was a paying member until only a few months ago. When Gold first went live it was something new, fresh and something you coul...

4073d ago 22 agree10 disagreeView comment

It is the Parent who is responsible to take 5 minutes to go into the settings and censor what they allow their children to play and watch on not only consoles but the internet and T.V.....Not the Governments.

4080d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

The reason I jumped to broadband internet. Let my gold account die on 1/14/13. It is a different world from when live turned on 10 years ago. Personally I am at the point in my life where I am not hanging out with friends online all that much. All the apps are free elsewhere. Half of the content on HAlo4 and other titles is boarded off from me b/c I let gold expire. Sorry but that is some bullsh*t. The only real thing I can see people preaching live over psn or wii U is cross party chat...

4151d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

completely agree. I have been a gold subscriber since the day the service went live. I am letting it run out though and will become a silver member. I am just turned off by the route Microsoft has taken with the service and brand in general.
I just bought a year into PS plus however. Until recently I bought most multi-platform titles for 360 but going to start going the playstation route.

I have already decided to not buy into all three platforms next gen. Leanin...

4211d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Who gives a flying F**k. Who is ever going to power on their xbox to get their news from this app? So tired of Microsoft releasing these sorry A** apps.

4305d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

the pop in on ps3 version drives me crazy though. has made me put it down even though i had been enjoying the game otherwise

4319d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment